Design Considerations When Building Artificially Intelligent Bots

LivePerson Tech Blog
LivePerson Tech Blog
7 min readMay 19, 2017


So the bot boom is here.
Mark Zuckerberg hit the gong at the latest F8 conference, and since then more than 11,000 bots were created on Facebook Messenger. Wow.

Well, creating a basic ‘small talk’ bot or ‘what’s the weather’ bot, is not very difficult. Facebook provides a very nice tool —, that lets you easily develop dialogs, identify intents and run functions.

But what about more complex scenarios?
how to build a modular system? how to split the work? how to support complex flows? how to manage states? how to use advance cognitive services? it can get messy.

In this post I’ll discuss about design considerations when building Artificially Intelligent bots. I will do so by breaking a typical system into smaller modules and discuss each component and how they interact.

AI bots core components

If you think about it, bots are very similar to humans in many aspects (surprise) — they can sense the environment, can understand what they see or hear (or smell?), and can take actions accordingly. Bots has memory and can change their behaviors based onpast knowledge.

I like to divide AI systems into 5 main modules –
Sensors, Control Flow, State repository, Cognitive Services, and Business Facade.


Sensors are the eyes and ears of the system — they sense the environment and submit the information for further analysis; with minimal changes on one hand, but on a standard interface on the other hand. Information sources might include- messaging vendors (Facebook messenger, Skype, Slack), voice recording, raw images, videos, etc..

Design consideration #1 — support multiple sources.
From the very first day, remember that the number of sources is usually small and limited, but also not also not just — a single one.
You’d will probably need to develop a special plugin for each source that takes care of the specific protocol between the information source and your system.

A very nice example of this module, can be seen at the Microsoft’s Bot Framework they have recently launched for preview — they let you hook up to any messaging channel, and receive the information in a standard format regardless of its source.

Design consideration #2 — transform raw information to a standard form and vice-versa.

When data arrives it wears the format of the channel which it came from — an email doesn’t look like an SMS. The main logic of the Sensors module is to transform the information to a standard format that can be ’digested’ by the underneath layers.

The right way to do it, is by ‘promoting’ special attributes to a common schema (to, from, body, etc..), but also keeping the original information raw as well.

When information leaves your system — the opposite procedure should be taken. Now you’d need to take the standard output, and transform it to the format that can be consumed by the channel.

Control Flow

Control flows are the heart of the AI system — like real hearts, they are not very smart, but yet very effective. Under a very specific set of rules, they direct the blood to the right organ back and forth and keeping the system alive.

In AI Bots, control flows are used to manage the different types of interactions that the users can do with the system — e.g. what are the questions and answers, which forms need to be filled, and how to escalate to a real person. They should let the user the feeling as if he’s navigating the conversation, while usually the ‘story’ is already written for him.

Control flows are usually built as set of waterfalls or as state machines

  • Waterfalls — a set of events happening chronologically, each step adds additional information to the next phase, aiming to reach to a specific goal.
    For example:
    User ask: What is the weather in Tel Aviv?
    Bot responds: When would you like to know?
    User says: Next Monday
    Bot says: It will be approx 23cWaterfall might sound like an over simplified model of reality, but as a matter of fact, they perform very well in most cases and a smart combination of those can be very powerful.
  • State machines — apparently life is not just about a set of decision trees. One can change his mind, go back 5 steps up and 3 steps aside.
    Waterfalls are chronological in nature and might not be suitable for advanced usecases, which might be more suitable for an automate / state machine with clear transformation rules.

Design consideration #3 — avoid mixing control and logic
The developers of the control flow layer usually has a different skillset from the those who develop the backend facade or the cognitive services.
Their job is to help the user navigate the system in order to get his answer in the fastest and most effective way. They are more focused on user experience then scale, performance and other engineering issues. I call this new profession — AI storytellers, a close relative of web designers.

When developing an AI system, be sensitive to this difference of skills and focus of view. Keep the logic facade outside of the control flow and ensure that the main responsibility of this layer is to orchestrate services, and not to run the logic by itself.

State Repository

The memory. They say that fish has 3 seconds memory (and they are wrong), but your bot should have a much longer memory, or shorter. It depends.

State repository is where you aggregate the information you’ve collected about the user of the system. This information can come from different sources, such as: A backend system (it’s a VIP customer), from a questionnaire you had the user filled (what is your order number?) or from calculations made in real time (there’s a cat in this image).

Design consideration #4 — shared state and zero memory control flows.
When your system starts to grow, you’ll soon start to face concurrency bottlenecks.
The key to scale this kind of system (and this rule is applicable to many similar systems), is to keep everything but the state repository — stateless. This way, you can easily ‘throw’ more machines on the problem without worrying about session stickiness and migrating local objects.
You’d want the state repository to grow natively with the load as well. Most of the key-value stores out there — MongoDB, Redis, Couchbase, Cassandra, etc.. can satisfy this need.

Cognitive Services

The brain. This layer of services has a rather simple task to accomplish — it takes raw information and structure it. Easy. My 1.5 yo, can look at a cat picture and do a Miau, what’s the big deal?
Well, it ain’t that simple.

Companies like Microsoft, Google, IBM and others are spending a lot of money on deep learning algorithms, aiming to identify cats in images, understand human text / voice and driving cars.

The good news is that, the sophistication of these algorithms and the amount of information that was used to train them, does not imply much on how easy is it to use them.
The era of cognitive services has begun — I call it BaaS, Brain as a Service. Today, with simple APIs you can get immediate access to the work of some of the smartest PhDs in the world.

Design consideration #5 — be smart about vendor locking.
Like any other X as a service, the same rule applies here — it is ok to be vendor locked sometime, but there must be a super critical function that this service provides in order to get you locked.

When you are debating between the different cognitive services out there, try to see if you can replace the selected vendor with another service easily, or at least understand that you are married to the chosen service with your eyes open. There’s a lot of similarity between them, so it will soon become a play of accuracy and cost.

Using open sourced tools to build your own cognitive service layer is not an easy task yet, although many strong tools are available today to start walking on this path — TensorFlow, Torch and others.

Business Facade

Muscles. If your system doesn’t *change* anything — you’re probably building a new interface for search, which is quite useless in my POV.
The interesting usecases of bots are those where a real action happens — for example, those that let you buy products, track shipment, change a seat in the plane, etc..
The business facade is the layer that connects your bot with the real world outside of FB Messenger.

Design consideration #6 — remember to apply security measures.
Business facade is no joke, it can deal with real money and can do real damage.
Exposing these business capabilities in your AI bot, is very interesting — but doesn’t mean you should lower the security bars for it. On the contrary — using self service bots, you might let your customers do things they had normally done only with the supervision of a real agent — e.g. buy stocks. Put some serious thoughts before things will get out of hand.


The AI bots era is going to fascinating, and I believe it will make a serious change in the employment market.
Most companies are still skeptic about the impact that we’re going to notice in the coming years, if not months. And thus, most bots being built today are still rather simple ones.

Building a trivial FAQ bot is not that hard, but when it gets to do more complicated real business actions, some serious thoughts need to be taken into considerations before jumping into making a system that will break quickly.

In my next article, I will benchmark the different vendors and solutions currently available that supports some of the elements described here. Stay tuned.

— Haggai Shachar

